Dr. Julie Dobbs

Associate DVM

Dr. Julie Dobbs is a California native, born and raised just north of San Francisco. She has wanted to be a veterinarian since she could remember, and she considered all fields from livestock to lab animals but chose small animal medicine for its dedicated pet parents.

Dr. Julie studied at the University of California, Davis, where she first earned her undergraduate degree in Animal Science before earning her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine in 2018. Dr Julie's love of animals started young. She began riding dressage at the age of four and has never ceased being around horses. After moving to Colorado, Dr Julie started learning about natural horsemanship and primarily enjoys trail riding.

When not at the barn or at work, Dr. Julie spends her free time skiing, camping, gardening and tending to her to fish tanks. Dr. Julie is owned by several cats: Toby, Chester, and Betty (as well as the clinic cat, Jasmine). Dr Julie lives in Longmont with her husband and fellow veterinarian, where they expect to grow their family with a bunch of furry misfits.

While she enjoys all aspects of veterinary medicine, her special interests are dentistry, surgery, acupuncture, preventative medicine, and hospice care.

Dr Julie is honored to be part of the Animal Oasis family and contribute to their excellent standard of care!

Hi there, I'm Dr. Dobbs!

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Northern California, just north of San Francisco, in wine country.

Why did you want to become a vet?

It started because I really love animals. I grew up riding horses, so I initially wanted to be a horse vet. As I grew older, I realized that not only do I really like animals, but I'm really good at science and test taking. Also, I like people too, which is definitely a part of being a vet.

What's your favorite part of being a vet?

I'd say definitely just being around animals. I find that when I'm on vacation, I actually miss them. I also really like helping people and their families.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I'm going to mention two things because I can't choose. One is that I've never had a dog before. I didn't grow up with dogs and still don't have one, so people are often shocked to hear that. I'm a cat person, but hopefully one day I'll get a dog. The other thing is that I'm really fascinated by pirates. I even listen to a pirate podcast every night.

What is your spirit animal and why?

My spirit animal is definitely a fat, cranky indoor cat. I love napping, I'm an independent woman, and no one can really tell me what to do if I don't want to do it. Basically, I'm a cat.

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Mac and cheese.

What is the best part about working at Animal Oasis of the Rockies?

There are so many great reasons. Honestly, my bosses are the best part. They really support me in everything, make the flow of the hospital really great, take good care of their staff members, and value everybody's opinion. They make it a really nice place to work.

Rapid fire questions

Call or text? Text.
Sweet or salty? Salty.
Morning or evening? Evening.
Tea or coffee? Coffee.
Facebook or Instagram? Neither.
Veggies or fruits? Fruits.
Mountains or beach? Mountains.
Comedy or drama? Comedy.