What is a cat wellness exam?

A cat wellness exam is a physical exam where we look at the whole picture. So we look at their teeth, their eyes, their ears, listen to their heart and lungs, look at their skin and their fur, their joints, and feel their bellies, to get a full overview of the cat.

Dr. Adrienne Tosto
Animal Oasis Of The Rockies Veterinary Hospital- Contact Us

What is a cat wellness exam?

A cat wellness exam is a physical exam where we just look at the whole picture. So we look at their teeth, their eyes, their ears, listen to their heart and lungs, look at their skin and their fur, their joints, feel their bellies, just to get a full overview of the cat.

Will my cat's wellness exam require any specific lab work or procedures?

That depends. In general, with a lot of cats, we do recommend routine blood work screening. They are known for having kidney disease and thyroid disease, so especially as they get older, we like to catch things early.

Why is early detection so important to the well-being of my cat?

Catching things early can allow for slowing the progression of some diseases. So kidney disease, especially in cats, is very common, and if you catch it when it's early in the disease progression, you can focus on some changes in their life that can help slow it down and ensure a longer life.

How does wellness impact the longevity and health of my cat?

I mentioned that catching things early, when you stay on top of health and keep them as healthy as possible, then has been seen to extend lifespan and life expectancy.

When should I bring in my cat for a veterinary wellness exam?

So we recommend bringing cats in annually just to get our eyes on them and just check for any changes from the previous exam. Sometimes we can catch things on exams that are not obvious on a day-to-day basis at home.

What are some signs and symptoms that my cat might not be feeling well?

Anytime there's any change in how they're acting at home, if they are not their normal self as far as their energy level if they have any changes, either more or less in their appetite, their water intake, if their habits change with the litter box, any of those can trigger that there's something more going on.

What are some possible environmental factors that can affect my cat's wellness?

So I guess the main thing with cats would be, with the environment, whether they're indoor or outdoor cats. So different risks. Obviously, if they're going outside, they have more exposure to other cats, potentially, if there are other feral or stray cats in the area, to wildlife that might be in the area, to more insects and fleas and ticks.

So ensuring you stay on top of the prevention and keeping them healthy when they're outside, is a little bit different than when they're inside. And then just depending on their health issues, cats that have asthma, you want to change their environment inside as well. So decreasing their exposure to allergens, to smoke, and things like that can help a lot.

If you have any other questions, please give us a call at (303) 900-7765. You can also email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. Don't forget to follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram