What does it mean to have my dog microchipped?
When you microchip your dog, it involves implanting a small capsule that contains a series of numbers, which allows you to identify your pet.
Can microchips be used to track my dog?
They can, but not like a GPS where you can locate your pet in real-time. The microchip has a series of numbers that can be scanned. If your pet is registered, this number can be used to identify who the pet belongs to.
How is a microchip used to identify my dog?
There are different microchip companies where you can register your pet's microchip. Once the chip is scanned, you can access registries or the AHA (American Animal Hospital Association) website, enter the number, and it will tell you who the microchip is registered to. You can then contact the owner through this information.
Who can actually scan my dog's microchip information?
Many animal hospitals carry microchip scanners since they often implant microchips. Pet rescues, humane societies, and domestic animal services also have microchip scanners.
What does the microchipping recovery process look like in the event my dog is lost?
If you are signed up with a microchip company, you can often sign up for their recovery process. They send out flyers and notifications to help find your dog. Alerts are sent to local area animal services, veterinary hospitals, and companies like Home Again or Avid. If your pet is found and scanned, the information goes to the database, which can then alert you.
Why do veterinarians recommend my dog get microchipped?
It's important because it provides a permanent identification method. If your dog gets lost or stolen, the microchip's number is registered to you as the owner, aiding in the recovery of your animal.
What if I forget or lose my dog's microchip information?
If you've lost your pet's microchip information, remember where your pet was microchipped or adopted from. Contact them, and they should have the information about where the original microchip was implanted.
Are there any other smart products that can connect to my dog's microchip?
Yes, some doggy doors now use microchip readers, so the door opens when it detects the microchip. There are also microchip-enabled dog feeders that dispense food when the dog approaches. If you lose your microchip information, a vet can scan the microchip and provide the number so you can contact the company and retrieve the information.
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